LB CLASSIC Lipoblue Dietary Supplement 2 Pack
It is a dietary supplement that stimulates weight loss in the whole body in men and women SEDENTARY for 60 days a month, which is the duration of treatment, without diet and without exercise. Although if you have a physical activity and better eating habits are achieved daily, the results will be much better and the effect of LIPOBLUE will be potentiated.
Product benefits:
- Decreases anxiety and appetite.
- Fat burning through the process of lipolysis in the body.
- Energizing.
- Optimizes the body’s hormonal system and speeds up metabolism.
- Re affirms muscle mass.
- Weight loss.
Ingredients and content:
- Forskolin: Coleus forskohlii, is a tropical plant and is a potential aid as a slimming and antioxidant. is a compound that occurs naturally and has been used in the study of the physiology of cells to activate and produce the hormone sensitive lipase.
- Bitter orange extract: Citrus Aurantium has soothing, anti-spasmodic, carminative, digestive, antifebrifuge, mildly sedative and regulatory properties of the intestine, which ultimately results in a marked decrease in anxiety and appetite.
- Garcinia: It is a plant that grows in the south of India, it is used and recognized as an effective natural remedy to combat obesity, Eliminates lipogenesis and lowers bad cholesterol, Reduces the production of cholesterol and triglycerides, Strengthens the immune system and promote the proper functioning of the digestive system. It also makes an excellent conversion of carbohydrates into healthy fats and blocks the storage of them.
- African Mango: This type of fruit has the particularity that it lowers the bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Consequently, the organism works much better. Thanks to the fact that the active principle comes from its seed, these accelerate the metabolism. In addition to that.
- Prevents the accumulation of fat in adipocytes and for this, secretes the fat burning hormone, adiponectin.
How to consume LB CLASSIC // LIPOBLUE You should take 1 capsule daily for 60 days in a row, it is important to be every day, and you should consume it with water at the weather between 15 and 45 minutes before taking your breakfast. Remember that each organism is different, so it is important to take a picture with the least amount of clothes possible on day 1, day 30 and day 60. So you can compare and see the changes you’ve had, the result of the capsules in each person it also depends a lot on the organism of each one. If you want to have excellent health and very high vital energy, it is important that during the 60 days of treatment, taking advantage of the benefits of the capsule, take advantage to improve your eating habits and without dieting or avoiding meals, achieve a healthy diet in your life, at least for 60 days after finishing the treatment. The rebound effect does not exist with this product but if at the end of the treatment you start to eat junk food and high in calories because it is most likely that the body regains its initial weight because your body has a memory which you can change it in 66 days of a different diet.
- Not suitable for people with high pressure problems.
- Not suitable for women in pregnancy.
- Not suitable for women who are in the lactation stage.
- Not suitable for children under 21 years of age or for people over 60 years of age.
- If you have any illness or symptom before consuming the product, you should consult your doctor about the consumption of phials for your organism.
- Not suitable for people with psychiatric cases in progress or who have had a mental illness.